Home Away

Activation - EIffel Tower all yours

For over a decade…

Home Away has brought  loved ones together to create unforgettable experiences in whole Home  vacation rentals in many countries.

 The challenge : For its arrival in  Europe, HomeAway  asked  us to make a breaktrough communication in order  to emerge on an already crowded market. 

The idea:  To make everyone  remember a simple truth : unique places make unique vacation memories,  we decided to turn an iconic landmark of worldwide tourism, the Eiffel  tower, into a home. 4 lucky winnners stepped in History by being the  first to sleep over up there.

 The results : More than 2,5 billion impressions, 28 millions view on Facebook live, 25,2 millions euros of earned media values.

Creative Director : Carl Harborg et Philippe Rachel

Art Director : Vincent Bérard

Agency : Saatchi&Saatchi Paris